Cleaning & Sanitising Service for

Attic Water Tanks Wicklow

Water tanks need to be cleaned - they are a breeding ground for harmful bacteria, mould and general detritis. Water tanks can be contaminated through the presence of birds, mice, rats, rodents and insects. Exterminate Pest Control can thoroughly clean the water tank and water system to ensure that your water in clean, hygienic and safe. 

Domestic water tank cleaning is an essential part of water hygiene and Legionella control. Over time, dirt, dust, debris, mould and harmful bacteria, including Legionella, can build up in the water tank. Conducting risk assessment-based regular cleaning will remove these from the system, ensuring it is clean and safe for your household. 

Stagnant, low circulation water sources can be a potential breeding ground for unwanted and harmful bacteria. Stagnation can be caused by many factors including under-utilising water, using an excessively large tank, and issues in your water system causing blockages or poor flow. These factors aside, there will always be some stagnation in water tanks. Therefore regular cleaning and disinfection is essential even if these risks are low.

Cold water storage tanks are also a common source of nutrients for biofilm and bacteria, including Legionella. Over time a dirty tank can develop rust, sediment, and silt; unchecked tanks can become contaminated with organic matter such as leaves and small animals in extreme cases. Another risk is debris coming in from the mains. The tank can act as a catchment area for debris, causing it to harbour nutrients and bacteria.

Call Exterminate Pest Control Solutions for Professional Attic Water Tank Cleaning

Attic Water Tank Cleaning Wicklow

the Water tank cleaning


Exterminate will commence attic water tank cleaning by taking a photo of the condition of the water tank before commencing work.

All floating debris will be initially removed from the tank.

The tank inlet is then isolated so that the tank can be drained and inspected.

We then manually scrape clean all internal surfaces and vacuum the floors and walls with a wet vac. All visible dirt and debris will be removed. Any signs of damage, corrosion, scale, flaking, black spotting, and deficiencies will be noted.

We can then refill and flush the tank with fresh mains water checking for leaks during the refill process.

For chemical disinfection of the entire system Exterminate can chlorinate the water in the tank to the specified concentration in mg/litre (ppm) of free residual chlorine.

Once the required level of chlorine is achieved and maintained, the outlet of the tank may be opened to allow chlorinated water to flow around the system.

Once completed Exterminate will take a photograph of the condition of the water before reapplying the tank lid. We can also supply and fit a lid if necessary. 

Ensure all equipment is removed and all valves are open on the tank.

Ultimately, domestic water tank cleaning is about maintaining good water hygiene, human health and safe water distribution systems. To find out how we can help you with domestic water tank cleaning contact Exterminate Pest Control on 0852635994.

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Attic Water Tank Cleaning Wickllow

Loft Water Tank Cleaning Wicklow

Exterminate Pest Control Solutions 0852635994 Wicklow

Servicing All Of County Wicklow